Quit Smoking Advice

Although quitting smoking is tough, I believe with these tips will help you overcome smoking addiction! 

Here are some practical tips

1. Develop the will to quit smoking 

  • Quitting tobacco is hard for most people
  • It takes patience, trust, and commitment to the goal. Learn how to condition your mind to build the resolve it takes to quit smoking successfully

2. Understand Nicotine Addiction 

  • The effects of nicotine on the human body create dependency through chemical reactions in the brain

3. Foster your mindset for success

  • For some people, there is that magical click where everything falls into place before quitting or just after
  • But for most of us, the reshaping of attitude into the “right” mindset comes gradually, one day at a time

4. Products to help you quit smoking

1. Nicotine Patch Image result for nicotine patch

2. GumImage result for gum

3.Nicotine Lozenges  Image result for nicotine lozenges 4mg

Remember to get all your supplies! 

5. Fighting the urge to smoke 

Image result for hobbies cartoon
Hunger: If you are hungry, food is the answer, not a cigarette.  
  • If you are If you're concerned about weight gain, try drinking water before you eat a snack to help control the amount you eat
  •  Keep healthy snacks on hand. Celery sticks, raw baby carrots, and frozen grapes make good low-calorie snacks
  • Exercise & get moving!

Anger:  Find healthy outlets for your feelings of frustration. 

  • If at all possible, deal head-on with the situation that is bothering you and be done with it
  • Talk to friends and family about your feelings or write in your journal
  • The important thing is not to let anger simmer and get the upper hand. Reaching for a cigarette can seem like a quick fix, but it is a false fix
  • We can't always choose the events that happen around us, but we do have control over how external situations affect us emotionally
  • Take responsibility for how you feel, and it will empower you to control difficult emotions smoke-free.

Loneliness: Get out for a walk, watch a movie or work on a hobby. 
  • Come up with a list of activities you enjoy and do some of them
  • Make them fun and they will help you overcome the smoking trigger

Tiredness: Fatigue can be a big trigger for those who have recently quit smoking. 
  • Instead of lighting up when you're tired, give yourself permission to slow down and relax, take a nap, or go to bed early if you need to. 
  • Sounds so simple, yet people often push themselves too far with all of the demands of life these days.

Protect your quit by protecting your health, both physically and mentally. 
You've got this! 


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