What happens to you after you quit smoking?

Are you wondering what are the advantages of quitting smoking?
Here are five things that happen to you after you quit smoking.

1. Your hair gets better. 
Smoking damages your hair because the chemicals found in cigarettes damage your hair follicles. It causes premature hair thinning as well. Quitting increases the blood flow to your hair follicles, which may result in hair regrowth or thicker hair. 

2. Your skin improves. 
This because chemicals in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin that gives your skin its elasticity. Hence, when you smoke, your skin is prone to premature aging and wrinkles. 
After quitting smoking, your body's collagen production returns to normal levels, so your skin looks healthier too.

3.  Your fitness improves.
Smoking causes a condition called Atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries, which in turn affects circulation. This causes your lungs to be not as effective at getting oxygen to your blood. This causes you to wheeze/cough if you do sports. After quitting smoking, you will see that you wheeze and cough less when you exercise. 

4.  Your lungs will start to repair themselves. 
It does not mean your body will not be able to repair itself after you have started smoking. Most of the short-term inflammatory changes to the lungs can be reversed when people quit smoking. Even if you may cough more during the first few weeks after quitting, it is a good sign because the lung's cilia are active and they can move excess mucus excretions from the lungs into the airways and toward the throat, where they can be coughed up. 

5. You will be able to save alot of money. 
If you smoke 1 stick a day, you could save $259 per year. (It is equivalent to a pair of shoes)
If you smoke 5 sticks a day, you could save $1,287 per year. (Think of all the food you could have eaten!?)
If you smoke 10 sticks a day, you could save $2,573 per year. (Thats a new phone)
If you smoke 20 sticks a day, you could save $5,147 per year. (You could get at least 3 iPhone X and have $1,000+ leftover)

In conclusion, I would like to encourage all of you to encourage all of you to quit smoking so that you would be able to enjoy these benefits. 


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