
Showing posts from November, 2018

Importance of Peer Support

Having someone to be there for you is essential in staying away from smoking. Peer support is important to deter smokers away from addiction. Help a friend in need when you know their habit is getting out of hand.

Irresponsible Smoking Habits in RP

Littering in Lawn Improper disposal of cigarettes 

What happens to you after you quit smoking?

Are you wondering what are the advantages of quitting smoking? Here are five things that happen to you after you quit smoking. 1. Your hair gets better.  Smoking damages your hair because the chemicals found in cigarettes damage your hair follicles. It causes premature hair thinning as well. Quitting increases the blood flow to your hair follicles, which may result in hair regrowth or thicker hair.  2. Your skin improves.  This because chemicals in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin that gives your skin its elasticity. Hence, when you smoke, your skin is prone to premature aging and wrinkles.  After quitting smoking, your body's collagen production returns to normal levels, so your skin looks healthier too. 3.  Your fitness improves. Smoking causes a condition called Atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries, which in turn affects circulation. This causes your lungs to be not as effective at getting oxygen to your blood. This causes you to wheeze/cough

Quit Smoking Advice

Although quitting smoking is tough, I believe with these tips will help you overcome smoking addiction!  Here are some practical tips 1. Develop the will to quit smoking  Quitting tobacco is hard for most people It takes patience, trust, and commitment to the goal. Learn how to condition your mind to build the resolve it takes to quit smoking successfully 2. Understand Nicotine Addiction  The effects of nicotine on the human body create dependency through chemical reactions in the brain 3. Foster your mindset for success For some people, there is that magical click where everything falls into place before quitting or just after But for most of us, the reshaping of attitude into the “right” mindset comes gradually, one day at a time 4. Products to help you quit smoking 1.  Nicotine Patch   2. Gum 3.Nicotine Lozenges    Remember to get all your supplies!   5. Fighting the urge to smoke  Hunger: If you are hungry, food is the answer, not a cigare

Be Responsible! Smoking Places in RP!

Lately, we realised that our RP students have not been disposing of their cigarettes buds or smoking at the proper places. It is our responsibility to uphold the cleanliness of our campus and smoking in the right areas. These are the possible spots for you to smoke responsibly. Possible Smoking Areas: Outside Admiralty Park Across the Overhead Bridge

Smoking Related Diseases

Lung Cancer - Smoking is the #1 risk factor for lung cancer.  COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) COPD is an obstructive lung disease that  makes it hard to breathe . It causes serious long-term disability and early death. About 80 percent of all COPD is caused by cigarette smoking. COPD is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Heart Disease Smoking harms nearly every organ in your body,  including your heart . Smoking can cause blockages and narrowing in your arteries, which means less blood and oxygen flow to your heart. W Stroke Because smoking affects your arteries, it can trigger stroke. A stroke happens when the blood supply to your brain is temporarily blocked. Brain cells are deprived of oxygen and start to die.  Asthma Asthma is a chronic lung disease that makes it harder to move air in and out of your lungs—otherwise known as "breathing." Because cigarette smoke irritates air passages, it can trigger sudden and sever

How to overcome addiction?

How to Quit Smoking Plan (Step-By-Step) A step by step plan to help you quit smoking. Step 1: Make the Decision to Quit Identify your reasons for quitting smoking. Quitting is challenging. You can rise to the challenge, but it helps if you have your goals in mind. Review your mental list as you approach your quit date. If you have tried to quit smoking before and failed, don’t let that be an obstacle . The more times you try to quit, the greater your chance of success. Maybe you weren’t ready last time. Maybe you didn’t take the rights steps. Step 2: Understand Your High-Risk Times Smoking is more than just a physical addiction to nicotine . It is also a psychological addiction. It is important to understand why you smoke and what you get out of it? Is it for relief from stress, or something else.  Given below are some common triggers for smoking cravings: Drinking coffee Finishing a meal Driving your car Using the phone Stressful situations Drinking alcohol

Importance of being a smoke free campus

Republic Polytechnic has a banner at the entrance of the school which says 'RP is a smoke free campus.' Why is that the first thing we see? This is because RP wants to instill values in the students. They want the school to be a conducive learning environment for the students. RP wants to promote the school as being healthier and safe. This is because smoking is bad for health, but second hand smoking is worse. It can be injurious to health to students who never even took the risk of smoking. They do not deserve exposure to smoking whilst at school, which is why RP banned it at school. Other than this, many students at RP are still underage and so smoking is not legal for them. 

Harmful Effects of Smoking

What are the Negative Impacts of Smoking? It’s no longer a mystery– everyone knows that smoking has all sorts of implications on the health and well-being of smokers. Nevertheless, there are still alarming rates of RP Students smoking. Take charge of your health by quitting smoking today! Smoking can lead to a variety of ongoing complications in the body, as well as long-term effects on your body systems. While smoking can increase your risk of a variety of problems over several years, some of the physical effects are immediate. Learn more about the symptoms and the overall impact of smoking on the body below. Central Nervous System One of the ingredients in tobacco is a mood-altering drug called nicotine. Nicotine reaches your brain in mere seconds and makes you feel more energised for a while. But as that effect wears off, you feel tired and crave more. Nicotine is exceptionally habit-forming, which is why people find smoking so difficult to quit. Physical wi

What's Wrong?

Recently, we've come across many instances of people complaining about the smokers in and around our school, Republic Polytechnic. It is very worrying as secondhand smoking causes quite a bit of damage just like first hand smoking. The reason for this blog is to reach out to all the people affected by it and to raise awareness as well as hope to bring about a change that will turn out beneficial for everyone!